We have so much greatness going on! This general update will expound on all the awesome things our Elohim is doing with His people in Pakistan! We stay amazed and grateful for what He has done, what He sustains, and the new things He's beginning to do! Enjoy this general update, with pictures! Passover/Unleavened Bread: What a celebration we had! 5,700 Pakistanis attended the recent village celebrations for Passover and Unleavened Bread! The people ate together, heard the gospel, and learned and celebrated the significance and meaning of these very special appointed times. What a beautiful sight it was to behold!
Community Sustainment: The Winning Pakistan ministry team includes two master gardeners who are experts in their field and many other related fields. They will be working closely with the leaders in Pakistan on some very important topics to help keep the community sustained with food, clean water, and good health. They plan to work on the very important topics of permaculture gardening, water filtration and sustaining the provision of clean water, hygiene and waste management, as well as community upkeep. We are amazed at the people Yahuah has brought to this ministry, and with this effort in particular, we are expecting lasting change in these very important aspects of Pakistani life! Building Project: We have been working on a worship/medical building for one of our larger villages but had to pause so that we could focus our resources on the recent Passover celebration. Once we replenish our resources, we will be back at it again! This building will be multi-purpose and will be used to save lives, both spirit and body! Baptisms: Within the last month, we have had approximately 35 baptisms in Pakistan! This means 35 souls made the choice to receive Yahusha as their King and Savior and then show their faith outwardly through baptism! Lives are being changed now and into eternity, and we know that our Father in Heaven is so very pleased! We congratulate our new brothers and sisters and say, Welcome to the Family, the Body, and the Kingdom! Harvest Time: Two of our villages just experienced extensive harvests from their gardening efforts! One village has just harvested wheat, and the other has harvested onions! To see this happening where the people are growing and harvesting their own food brings such joy! To think that before, most of them were literally enslaved to the brickyards to get a daily ration for food. Now many have been set free! Praise Yahuah! And as we watch the gardening efforts grow and grow, we know freedom and shalom will result!
Food Distribution: Although the gardening efforts are producing an exciting harvest, there is still much lack of food in the villages of Pakistan that we support. Food distribution to the people is ongoing and does not cease. It will take much time until all of the villages can sustain their own food. Regardless of what else is going on with the ministry, food distribution continues every month, and the people are fed! Praise Yahuah that we can help ensure that our brothers and sisters are not hungry! If you are blessed with what you see happening with this ministry and you desire to support or be a part of it, please either contact us or visit our Donate page. With Yahuah's blessing, we truly are making a difference. We give Him all the praise and glory -- it solely belongs to Him!
Many of the Winning Pakistan teachers and leaders also met across the United States to celebrate the exciting time of Sukkot! We share pictures below of a Texas gathering that included camping, fellowship, celebrating, and even baptisms! It was a wonderful, heart-warming time for those who gathered! This might be a longer post, because we would like to share much of what took place in Pakistan, this their first Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)! The people came from far, as many as approximately 1500, to gather together in different groups to celebrate this most important appointed time! First, to gain a birds-eye view to one of the celebrations, look at the videos below and watch the Spirit move in the people! The people of Calendar Club viewed via Zoom with virtually no dry eyes in the group! What a blessed movement of our Heavenly Father on His people all over the world! Glory HalleluYah!!
Now we will share several beautiful pictures of a beautiful celebration, and we pray you are blessed to see this! |
Ministry UpdatesHere we will share regular updates, stories, testimonies, and even miracles as they are taking place in Pakistan! Check the Categories section below to find something specific. Categories
September 2024
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